Virtual Assistant – Website Support

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.


Website Services for Virtual Assistants

As a virtual assistant, we all feel we should know something about everything, but let’s face it, it’s never going to be the case. We are contracted by others who recognise their weaknesses and the need to contract the work out to us, and it’s time we VA’s did the same!

I’m part of an amazing Facebook group – VA Handbookers – we all support each other with the day to day issues that arise as a VA, but I have found many VAs prefer to contact me directly to ask for advice or assistance. Which is why I have decided to offer my services on a more structured basis.

Website Advice For VAs

Are you about to delve into the world of website design for your own site or are you concerned you may not have done it correctly? This is where I can help! I can offer reassurance about your site or solutions to problems you may come up against.

I’m a no-nonsense type of person, so you will always receive honest constructive feedback on where you have gone wrong and what you could do to improve the site, it’s then up to you how you proceed. You can go ahead and make alterations yourself or avail yourself of my services, whichever is the most suitable for you.

Website Design For VAs

So you really don’t want to deal with building a website and you would rather spend time on developing other parts of your business? No problem.

I can offer a website design service to suit all budgets. And if you are a VA Handbook or VA Rock Stars member I can offer you preferential rates!

Let me be clear, I am not officially Affiliated or partnered with The VA Handbook. I just want to share the VA love with great existing members!

Get In Touch - I Don't Bite

I offer a FREE initial consultation to understand what services you need. It usually lasts 15 minutes and will we both know what is required by the end of the call.

You can either call me on 07842 871 248 or email

Need Help With A VA Business?

I’m proud to be a member of VA Rock Stars.

Rock Stars is a paid course which offers guidance and advice on everything you need to do to set up as a successful VA or to improve your current VA business. From establishing your niche and finding work, to setting up the legal bits and creating your brand it’s all there and the best part is you can go through it at your own pace.

The course is written and supported by Joanne Munro the founder of The VA Handbook. She’s a straight-talking, no messing type of woman and provides amazing advice and support to all her members. You even have access to her secret Facebook group (oops it’s supposed to be a secret!).

If you are looking for ways to start out as a VA or feel you need to review how you currently do things you can sign up for the VA Rock Stars course via this link.